Depth Interview


Depth Interview: Depth interview uses techniques of psycho analysis to study in depth the behaviour of respondent. This method allows the interviewer to collect different views and opinions of respondent through personal interview. Such interviews are useful for the study of human behaviour.


The depth interview method relates to behavioural sciences such as sociology and psychology. It is a clinical psychology method wherein the investigator attempts to get the respondent talk freely about certain topics in an informal manner. The term depth interview is used as the interviewer desires to discover underlying motives/desires of the respondents. Such interviews are usually undirected and require maturity, skill and experience on the part of the interviewer. In addition, it is a time consuming interview. Depth interviews are costly and are used for the group interviews rather than for individual interviews.


In depth interview, the respondent is allowed to say what he knows or feels about the product or subject matter of discussion. The respondent is assessed (his behaviour or thinking process) through supplementary questions. Prepared questionnaire is not used by the interviewer but he is given a list of issues to be covered in the interview.

The questions asked in the depth interview are not identical. Here/ the data collected is qualitative and not the quantitative one. In depth interview, the respondent is encouraged to talk freely and the interviewer takes the position of a good listener. He has to find out inner motives and feelings of the respondents.

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