Objectives of Export Inspection Council


The Export Inspection Council is a statutory organization set up under the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 to adopt measures for the introduction and enforcement of quality control and compulsory pre-shipment inspection of various exportable commodities. The EIC was established in 1964 with headquarters at Calcutta.

Objectives of Export Inspection Council


  1. To maintain high quality of goods to be exported as regards quality of goods exported and thereby to create a good market
  2. To check unfair practices of exporters as regards quality of goods exported to inferior quality goods prove to be too costly to the country in the long run
  3. The quality control and pre-shipment inspection is one useful provision for maintenance of quality of export items. At present pre-shipment inspection covers nearly 1056 items which includes engineering, chemicals, jute, footwear, food and agriculture, coir and so on.

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