Factors Responsible For Growing Popularity Of Social Responsibility
(1) Growing expectations of social – groups: The normal expectations of society or different social groups are growing, intensifying and deepening. The businessmen find it difficult to ignore such growing expectations of the society.
2) Desire for impressive social image: Businessmen desire to create favorable image in the society. For this, they are willing to expand their areas of operations and spend on those areas. They accept more social responsibilities for their image building and social recognition.
(3) Threat of strict social control: Businessmen now accepts social responsibilities as they have realised that if business does not respond to social obligations, the government will compel them to respond through social legislation.
(4) Introduction of professional management: Professionalization of corporate management has given a boost to the idea of social responsibility of business.
(5) Organized labour force: The pressure of organized labor force/movement creates a situation when no alternative but to accept their demands and expectations.
(6) Fast changing business environment: Fast changes taking place in business environment have put up growing pressure for business to assume social responsibility.
 (7) Long term benefits realised: Businessmen realised that it is in their interest to assume social responsibilities in the long run and to expand business with the support and co-operation of the whole society.