The Reasons Of People Joining Groups


There are various reasons; why people join groups. All groups have their benefits to be offered to the group members. The reasons are as follows:

a.         Proximity, Interaction and Influence: One of the most common reasons why people join groups is because they work near each other. Informal groups seem to form among those who are in close proximity. When people have frequent interaction or contact with one another, there is likelihood that they will form a group. Finally, if the behaviour of one individual influences that of others, they are likely to form a group.

b.        Security: Probably the strongest reason to join the group is the need for security. By joining a group we can reduce our insecurity – we feel stronger. New or experienced, no employee likes to stay alone. We derive reassurance from interacting with others and being part of a group. This often explains the appeal of unions – if management creates an environment in which employees feel insecure, they are likely to turn to unionization in order to reduce their feelings of insecurity.

c.         Esteem: An individual can increase his self-esteem through group membership. One may gain esteem by becoming a member of a high status group. Associating with high status people is reinforcing.

d.        Power: Membership of groups offers power to members in at least two ways. First, there are sayings such as “United we stand, divided we fall” and “there is strength in number.”  Secondly, leadership of an informal group enables an individual to use power over group members, even if he does not enjoy a formal position of authority in the organization.

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