Operational Marketing


Operational Marketing relies on customer insight information to personalize interactions, differentiate sales and service across segments, drive continuous improvement across customer interaction processes and generate revenue lift.

When these marketing disciplines work in tandem with your existing sales and service capabilities, your entire CRM effort becomes revitalized. Information becomes dynamic. Insights become powerful barometers of customers’ likes and dislikes. Comprehensive marketing campaigns become targeted and compelling. The result is a customer base that is pleased with the unique and personalized interactions you provide. Customer loyalty rises, as does your brand value and, ultimately, your revenue.

Its efforts encompass all the activities of data mining and data warehousing, which continuously harvest customer information from a variety of contact points. Leveraged by creative and analytical marketing capabilities, this information is assessed and converted into meaningful insights that drive ongoing, personalized marketing efforts. The goal of operational marketing is to enable ongoing “conversations” with individual customers across all channels.

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