IT is a major thrust area for the Government of India

  • IT is one of the Government of India’s top five priorities.
  • The National IT Task Force submitted its 108 point Action Plan to promote IT in the country. The Government of India has approved the plan and is in the process of implementing it.
  • A separate Ministry of Information Technology is set up to expedite swift approval and implementation of IT projects and to streamline the regulatory process.
  • Information Technology Act 2000: The Information Technology Bill that was passed in the Indian Parliament in May 2000 has now been notified as the IT Act 2000. The IT Bill brings E-commerce within the purview of law and accords stringent punishments to “cyber criminals”. With this, India joins a select band of 12 nations that have cyber laws.

As India emerges as a global outsourcing hub, the industry is forecast to explode at exponential rates – from 23,000 people and $ 10 million pa in 1998 to over a million people and revenues in excess of $ 20 billion by 2008. Pivotal segments are going to be back office operations, medical transcriptions, insurance claims processing, customer interaction centers and content development. Current trends suggest that the country is well on course for achieving the above target.

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