Communicating with key publics during crisis


Communicating with key publics during crisis

Throughout the crisis, it is imperative that the crisis communications team communicates with the company’s key publics or stakeholders (that is, any group that may have a heightened interest in what the crisis is). For instance, if you’re a publicly held company, the shareholders fall into that category. If it’s about a product distributed via retail, stakeholders include your retail customers. And it always includes the press.


  •  Employees: When possible, employees should be informed about a crisis situation before the media are informed. The crisis communications team must determine the most efficient way to communicate with employees (for example, in staff meetings). Be sure to keep the “frontline” employees — such as the switchboard/receptionist and customer service call center reps — updated on where to direct customer questions and incoming calls regarding the crisis.


  •  Affiliated parties: Be sure to keep affiliated parties (such as vendors) in the loop on crisis situations they’re affected by or play a role in. The crisis communications team must determine the method and scope of communication.


  •  Consumers: In crisis situations, it may be necessary for the company to communicate directly with consumers without the assistance of the media. The crisis communications team must determine the best method of communication (for example, e-mail, and direct mail).


  •  Media: An extremely influential public. One thing all of your key publics will have in common is that they read the morning newspaper. So the press is the most important group to focus on.

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