Why Study Abroad? A better question is Why not Study Abroad?


Students usually think “I’m just trying to finish college, money is tight, and study abroad is a luxury. Moreover, I don’t want to miss anything or leave my closed ones to go to other country.”

There are many reasons to study abroad. It doesn’t matter if you plan to go to grad school after graduation or start your career; whether you’re a business student or an engineering student, interested in biology or foreign languages—study abroad is for everyone. If you’re a little unsure about studying in a foreign country, you’re not alone. Many alumni were unsure about going abroad at first, including me and we thought the same. But now we say that study abroad isn’t only a luxury, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity one just can’t afford to miss. Besides being fun and exciting, study abroad is a unique life changing experience that will help you grow Academically, Personally and Career wise.

Foreign education is all about you. No matter what level, you’ll have the flexibility to shape your study to suit your needs. This freedom; combined with a centuries-old tradition of excellence and an innovative approach to teaching makes foreign education recognized and respected all over the world.


There are many points that make foreign education a worthwhile investment. One of the main points is that a student should look at studying abroad for the diversity of living and learning that comes with such an education. One spends time with students from around the world and this is the greatest form of learning.

  • Teaching, Learning, Assessing methods
  • Latest Technologies, Cutting edge research and sophisticated infrastructure
  • Global Employment opportunities
  • Independence makes you self-reliant
  • Cultural exchange with people of different Nationalities
  • Higher Pay


An educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches how to make a living but doesn’t teach how to make a life!!


Studying abroad is full of amazing experiences, from learning a new culture and language to making new friends from diverse ethnic and national backgrounds. In the end you, like most students, will return with a new sense of independence and more confidence. That will equip you to face challenges presented by the real world during college and in your professional career or during grad school.

When you study abroad your education grows exponentially faster than if you stay home. You live and learn in your host culture 24/7. Your experience will translate into tangible benefits later in life.

To sum up, while studying abroad, students will have developed skills and attitudes that will stay with them for a lifetime.

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Rachit K Visaria
I am Rachit Khushal Visaria , Director of Career Crest. Education: MBA from Nottingham University (UK) B.E (Electronics) - K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering Experience: Worked with Tech Mahindra Ltd and British Telecom, as Onsite Co-ordinator in UK. As I have myself done post graduation from UK, also I have worked in London before my MBA so I have experience of 2.5 years staying+studying+earning in UK which I can pass on to our students. Career Crest is an Educational Consultancy which helps students in counselling, admission. It also helps in Educational Loan, FOREX, Ticketing Etc with no extra charges especially designed for students.


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