“Chocolates helps to remember answers :P” says Chaitannya Dilip Salvi, Bhavans TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Chaitannya Dilip Salvi, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Bhavans College, Andheri (76.5%)



  • Tell us more about yourself

I am a kind of student who is more concerned about knowledge and learning rather than scoring marks as that helps us to be clearer about the subject we are studying and ultimately it also affects our marks favorably. I believe competition is good but first learn to compete with yourself and then compete with others.


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

No, I did not expect myself to top the exams, instead was a little worried about the results as I was a bit late to start with the preparations. But would like to give the credit to my teachers, parents and my friend who helped me throughout my semester. Such interactions with the teachers and with friends help us to upgrade our knowledge and also to identify where we lack in our preparations.


  • Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I started my preparation one and half month prior to exams, this disturbed my whole day schedule and faced difficulty to manage the time efficiently. I also faced some medical problems as my daily schedule of sleep and having meals was disturbed, this also created a bit more tension but then was quick to realize that taking tension would not help instead would become a hindrance. 


  • How did you allot time to different subjects?

Initially started with theory subjects but practical subjects were also looked after simultaneously. As I had joined classes for practical subjects the practice of those subjects were on continues basis. Practical subjects are more scoring so allotted more time for those subjects. Yes, I had prepared a time table for studies and had planned to complete the subjects within the decided time. The time was decided as per the number of days left and the content of the subject.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?

Most of the students are afraid of exams, instead they should be confident before the exams as this creates positive energy within them, this helps to tackle the exams well. Human Resource Management and Service Sector Management are some of the easy subjects so I started with them first that helped me to get a flow. Many of us are used to writing the answers in a particular format but the standard format is first the introduction, definition if any, answer the question asked and finally the conclusion you can draw from the answer, be clear in explaining your views, also do underline the points which you find important and would fetch you marks. While solving the case-study go through the case once and understand the context, underline the key sentence that will help to solve the case quickly, see to it that the answer written are up to the point. In case of practical subjects, mostly case-studies come in form of long solutions with complexly structured format identify the twists in the question and then proceed. Be calm before writing the paper don’t be worried if you have not studied any answer but make sure what you have studied is perfect. Do not get worried if you forget any answer, leave it till then and continue it later once you complete the paper.


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

No, it is not necessary to join coaching classes, it is just that you get some more practice of the practical subjects if you join classes as lecturers in college have limited time to complete the Syllabus restricting them to make us practice more sums in class.


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

Yes, I had participated in sports (Cricket). Yes a BMS student can manage both provided he is allotting sometime to studies as well, extra-curricular activities helps to be active and also helps to keep up with fitness.


  • Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS?

Yes I appeared for CPT exam in the month of June 2012


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Being a student even I was stressed, but the students should understand that the solution is not committing suicide but have to overcome the stress which will help them to concentrate in a much better way. If we fear of low grades we would never be able achieve our goals. See to it you work consistently towards the goals you set.  


  • Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

The BMS section should have at least one visit every year, it should be related to the subjects of that year for Eg: In S.Y.B.M.S the visit should be to some banking industries and production houses. I have visited Crockery factory in Rajasthan.


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

The timing between two Presentation should be managed well there should not be presentations of two subjects in small intervals. The Professors should make arrangement of their presentation; if this is not done the student would not be able to gain from the presentation and would just prepare the presentation for the sake of making.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

Be calm and composed especially during the exams; don’t get worried about the exams, this will help you to concentrate more on the studies. Also find sometime for exercise that helps to release some stress and channelize your energy in the right direction. While studying take 5 minutes break if you find yourself saturated, have a glass of water and continue studying. Most of the students try to reduce their sleep to study but one should also understand our mind also needs rest for a particular time that helps us to concentrate better. Always have some chocho chocolate before entering the exam hall that helps you to remember the answers….All The Best


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

Planning to do CA


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