Client servicing in Digi-marketing is no cake walk!


Being a BMS Grad from Bhavans, I am currently working in a digital marketing agency.

Right after my BMS results, having no clue as to what an interview was, I walked into my boss’s office with goose bumps ;). Before he took my resume, he asked me for my facebook and twitter handle to see how influential I was over the social media. This kind of approach got me into the nervous mode.  My boss asked me questions about me, my family background and my educational qualification. He threw questions at me regarding the job profile and I answered to him to the point. I didn’t try to act oversmart. I had to think twice and answer. Being myself was the best thing I could present in this job because according to me, being Fake would result in committing more mistakes. I tried building a rapport with him which made me feel comfortable and then finally he shortlisted me.

Initially when the job started, I was finding it very difficult to work till 9pm. Leading a lavish life in college days and now slogging till late nights is no joke. But it is true that Client servicing in digital marketing agencies is no cake-walk!

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Farhan Rajani

I am a victim of a very curious mind and a student in the university of Life , I am Nothing. Nothing Matters. Nothing, is everything. An upcoming Social media Manager and an E-Commerce store specialist currently working at Fiskaz and


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