Be what YOU are!


I have given lot of interviews before getting selected at Godfrey Phillips India. I would like to share the ups and downs I had to go through before reaching here. In Jan 2011, my sem 5 results got declared where I scored 62.33%. It may be a average percentage for others. But for me, it was a big achievement since my SSC and HSC scores were 52.73% and 40.50% respectively. After all hardwork and efforts, I could score 62 and also clear all the subjects. It was in February, my life was about to transform when IDBI Bank came in the college for placements. Just for timepass, I and my friends gave aptitude test and some students got shortlisted for PI round. It was a great interview experience of my life as I cleared all the 3 interview rounds very confidently. In the middle of sem 6 exams, I got a call from the college that 15 students are selected for the job and only medical round is left. My happiness knew no bounds. But then due to some personal problems, I got a KT in OR and IF and I had to leave that job. Then I kept on trying in other companies and giving interviews. And finally got selected in the current company.

Tip – In the interview, be what you are. Different companies have different requirements. Some want to know how much you can speak confidently in the interview. Some focus on your educational qualifications and some want to know what knowledge you have. It depends on the profile you are applying for. So be prepared for any sort of interview.

Basic Interview questions are:

Tell us about yourself

What do you know about our company? For this question, see to it that you have to study some good things about the company like their market conditions, company motto, CSR activities (if any). Best thing you can do is relate whatever you have studied in BMS course with the company activities. This would do wonders for you! 🙂

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Rahul Raut

I am a friendly person by nature. i am a hardworking & ambitious person. I believe in the principle of "everything is possible for a person with hard-work & determination." I believe in achieving success through hard work and honesty. I like to be in touch with ALL my friends. I am a Shailendra BMS Grad and I work at Godrej Phillips India.


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