How to Manage Indian Employees?


Most of the Indians value emotional bonds and relationship. They also prefer long-term association with the organization, growth opportunities. They are interested to be treated as emotional human beings and not just a tool in providing high productivity. The management in an organization needs to realize that and deal with them accordingly. The CEO should take initiatives to create a culture of openness and trust, the culture where employees will be treated with the respect and love, where they will have the opportunities to grow, where they would be allowed to be creative and innovative, to experiment with new ideas while working.

Now fact remains that Indians are having some negative traits. They are complacent by nature. Think about the government organizations. As the employees are having job security, many of them take everything for granted, they forget the basic values of India, become lethargic, passive and complacent as far as the work is concerned.

Why does this happened? In today’s competitive scenario, in the rat race, we have forgotten our values, e.g., ‘work is worship’ or ‘selfless work’. At the same time, unlike Japanese we do not consider anything from the country’s perspective. May be, we are forgetting to become patriot, except when cricket match or something like that takes place. (However, situations like cricket match indicate patriotic spirit is there within us, only sometimes it comes out in the forefront). Consequently, sometimes we become directionless.

To control the Indian employees, manager has to communicate and instill the vision of what the oragnisation wants to be in future among the employees, so that they can feel part of the organization, part of the vision and contribute accordingly.

Therefore, to manage them effectively people-friendly, growth-oriented, enlightened management system needs to be developed. Human beings should be treated respectfully. To some extent flexibility can be there, but every employee must understand that system, rules and regulations need to be followed for the growth and effectiveness of the organization. He must realize what is the purpose of his being in the organization, what is expected from him. Employees should feel the sense of belongingness, they should realize how important they are to the organization. They should be able to see the whole picture. Then only they would be motivated to give their best output. The management must realize each individual is unique, understand their personal desires and dreams and deal with them accordingly.

Some organizations prefer to give moderate kind of job-security instead of lifetime employment because of complacent nature of Indians.

Indian employees can be motivated if they are involved in the decision-making process, if they get autonomy and feedback from the management. But while involving them or giving autonomy to them; ultimate authority should be in the hands of the management. It is management’s responsibility to make the individuals understand their true potential and help them to grow.

To motivate and to make the organisation effective, the following strategies can to be taken.

As Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla of Aditya Birla Group says :

People Count : You can have the most forward-looking vision and strategy, but unless you have a passionate and committed team to execute it, you cannot translate your vision into reality. It is important to master the emotional and intellectual quality of the people to gain their trust and commitment to the vision.

Everyone is Important : Leaders should focus on all people. Talented ones must be taken care of but at the same time, they should not forget those people who make the day-to-day, month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter things to happen. Their role in the process of change is critical.

Management will set the rule but people who follow the rules are required. They will contribute in a significant way to implement the rules diligently. So they are equally important as far as the effectiveness is concerned.

Building the team-spirit across the organisation is the most crucial factor to motivate the employee, which will lead to organizational effectiveness. Talented individual, who cannot become a part of a team, can create conflict and disruption.

Be Creative : Do not give merely what the customer wants, work on giving the customer what he wouldn’t ordinarily think of having. Previously computer was not there. Now it has become a part and parcel for business organisations.

Effective Communication : In today’s market an increasing number of global alliances are taking place. These alliances are not just between two or three companies, but also often span different continents. To manage in multi-cultural environments the organisations have to attune themselves based on tolerance and respect for unique cultures.

Attitudes : Many Indian organisations focus on functional excellence and ready to acquire superior technical and managerial knowledge. They neglect soft skills and attitudes. To boost the morale of the employees, in order to become an effective organisation, they need to focus on these variables.

Values : Above all, there is the challenge of articulating what an organisation stands for, what its purpose is. Values are what lend the organisation its “stickiness”, with which employees can identify emotionally and intellectually. People contribute when they relate to an organisation, and they relate when they understand the organisation. People understand an organisation through its values, by experiencing the culture that the values create, and by using the systems and processes that the values define. Values act as the bedrock of an organisation. Great and lasting ones are never built on the quicksand of opportunism. Leadership must ensure that the values remain the core way of an organisation.



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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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