What are Basic problem of Women Entrepreneurs/ Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs in India?


What are Basic problem of Women Entrepreneurs/ Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs in India?

Ans:   Basic problem of Women Entrepreneurs

The basic problem or difficulty of a women entrepreneur is that she is woman-this pertains to her responsibility towards facility, society and work. With joint families breaking up, many women simply don’t have the support of elders. Women have been confronted by such dilemmas ever since they started leaving home for the work place. On the other hand, the attitude of the society towards her and constraints in which she has to live and work are not very conductive.

The problems faced by women entrepreneurs are briefly analysed below:

(i)      Start up finance

(ii)     Working capital management

(iii)    Marketing skills

(iv)    Access to technology

(v)     Regulatory requirements

(vi)    Management skills

(vii)   Lack of confidence.

(i)      Access to start-up finance is the greatest single issue faced by women entrepreneurs. It is observed that women entrepreneurs face greater problems in this regard than small business in general. As family members are not in favour of supporting their ladies to take up the business in which they have skills, naturally they will be unwilling to support with the finance required for starting a business unit. Men are not willing to stand as surety to the loan granted by financial agencies. Women are not in a position to start the business with own capital. External finance is not so easily Coming forward, and self financing is very meager. This is the greatest hurdle for the development of women entrepreneurs.

(ii)     Another key disturbing factor is managing the working capital. Working capital is required for maintaining finished stock to meet the market demand, for production, and for meeting marketing and other administrative expenses. It will be very difficult for women entrepreneurs to avail such loan facilities from financial institutions as they are unable to provide security. Although financial institutions have liberalised lending schemes, women entrepreneurs are not in a position to avail required finance, as family members in most of the cases do not support to raise heavy capital.

(iii)    Regarding marketing skills, women entrepreneurs have the problem of access to markets as their marketing skills are weak compared to male entrepreneurs. This is a major barrier for them to expand business or enter into business. Maintaining existing business and access to fresh business requires strategic marketing skills. This is the most commonly repeated problem faced by women entrepreneurs after finance. Therefore, marketing skills, management skills and technology skills have to be improved in female owned businesses. This encourages other women to enter into self-employment.

(iv)    Access to technology and adopt it in production process, poses certain problems. Co-ordinating factors of production is really a challenge to women entrepreneurs. To compete with producers, they need guts. Women entrepreneurs cannot easily co-ordinate the production process-particularly with the ever changing technology. Very few women can sustain such production onslaughts. Women who aspire to become entrepreneurs cannot keep pace with technology advancement.            This puts down their initiative to become entrepreneurs. Even they feel that women are discriminated by finance providers to a greater or significantly greater extent to upgrade the technology. Whilst many small businesses face difficulties for the finance that they need, organisations specialising in providing support for female entrepreneurs clearly feel that this is one area where their clients face greater difficulties than their male counterparts.

(v)     Regarding administrative and regulatory requirements, many feel that this is a significantly greater problem for women entrepreneurs than their male counterparts. Micro enterprises of every type experience these problems. It is because of the disproportionate effect of compliance costs on small companies compared with large firms. Inspite of this, women entrepreneurs do not feel that it is a major issue. But still this is a factor to reckon with.

(vi)    Another vital problem encountered by women entrepreneurs is lack of management skills. In majority of the cases, women entrepreneurs lacked management skills. Although this is common to all entrepreneurs, women are particularly disadvantaged in this respect. Because they have lower propensity of previous business experience. Besides this, support providers discriminate against women entrepreneurs to a greater extent in providing these skills. Skills are concerned with and ranged from day to day management to long-term strategic development. As external support to develop managerial skills is not that encouraging. women entrepreneurs have to develop their own seminars and workshops to equip in this area.

(vii)   Other problems like society’s attitude towards women entrepreneurs, unequal opportunities between men and women and very important amongst all the “Lack of Confidence” in women are also haunting women entrepreneurs.

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