BMS Mission 2013


BMS 6th semester exams are on few days away. The most effecting thinking of students is that they start thinking what after BMS? Job? Studies? or Anything else.? Thing to during this time is to just focus on exams as scoring higher percentage will not matter much, after all what you’ve learnt in these three years, what you take as knowledge will be counted in further part of career.
Focusing and understanding each and every aspect of the BMS sucjects and making them more interesting is needed. Those who just read books and by heart the answers may score more,but this will not help them later on in their life.
As I have been through the same process last year, so knowledge is the basic thing that you carry along with you.

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Visshal T Sawant
Masters in Human Resources with 3 years+ of experience in HR. Currently working with Capgemini as an HR Business Partner. Contributing to other's success is a small medium to educate people about our knowledge. Let's be a part of other's successful journey & make them Happy. Inspire & Grow !!!


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