BMS Academic Excellence Awards 2013 – A great success!


Welingkar Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai

I got a call someday back to suggest a topic for Speaker in a function from Parvathy Mam. Surprisingly asked her about which event and suggested her Random topics which came to my mind at that point of time. Later on, she told me about the Function’s planning in detail, I got excited and started counting the days left.

It was 15th March finally, and I got ready before 2:30, took a nap and left from home till 3:15 as I was expecting function to begin till 4 PM. Thanks to the Mumbai Traffic due to Metro Railway work and my lack of knowledge about Central Railway Line, reached Welingkar College from Powai at approx 4:50 PM.

While it was a great disappointment as I missed the Initial Speeches, I entered in auditorium with a sense of fear and nervousness. Luckily, It was a vacant chair in front of me, I asked lady sitting next and got the chair. After getting Comfortable looked around, It was a Man resembling Former Apple Inc. CEO Late Mr. Steve Jobs who was speaking on the Podium. Being Job’s Fan, I started listening to him while he was sharing a ppt with the Toppers sitting as Audience along with Parents about the Young Business Ideas need to be Nurtured. It was a very nice Presentation about Snaps of different Innovative Ideas of Young Minds from All Over the World.

As soon as Prof. Kaustubh Dhargalkar left the Podium to handover the stage for Award Ceremony, it was the turn of much awaited moment for Audience as the Toppers got facilitated as per their Ranks all over Mumbai. It was very nice and motivational moment looking towards the Happy Faces of Toppers receiving Medals from Respected Speakers of our Event. Prof. Kaustubh commented on the ratio of Boys and Girls receiving Awards and motivated Boys also to work hard in Studies. It was a proud moment for me also being a part of such an Event and Organisation.

After Award Ceremony was over, Miss Parvathy A, General Manager, shared Vote of Thanks for the Audience and wished all for a good future ahead. With this, she also requested audience for the Refreshment Arrangement available in the Cafeteria and Photograph Facility outside the Auditorium.

I also moved outside and waited for other Team Members. I got a lesson today to be Punctual from next time and took a pledge with myself to always try to reach before time from now onwards.

After taking snaps, I had a little conversation with Kartik Sir which was also one of the greatest moment of the Event. Moved to Cafeteria, had refreshment which was really Yummy along with conversation with Team Members and Mam. After Conversation, left for Home back after a small meet with all other Team Members.

A day filled with lot of Zeal, Enthusiasm, and Motivation came to an End. An event which was an initiative by to develop a leash for new thinking among BMS Students ended with a great success and appreciation by BMS Students and Parents.

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Rishab Sharma

Campus Reprentative & TYBMS (Finance) Sem-VI Student of SM Shetty College Of Science, Commerce & Management Studies, Hiranandani Complex, Powai. Adventurous kind of person, always ready to accept challenges & take initiative, positive-minded, believes in action, love to learn & gain knowledge from every little thing surrounding me.


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