“All that glitters are not gold,” Mostly everyone has heard about this famous verse. What the verse means is simply do not just judge or come into a decision by looking the outer cover or appearance whether it may be person or thing. Normally, coming to a decision is time consuming process and should be the same, but advertisers win people’s heart to make positive decision regarding buying their product through attractive advertisements.
What is advertisement?
An advertisement is a specific message constructed to inform, persuade, promote or motivate people or public on behalf of a brand group or organization. The only objective of advertisers is to influence people’s buying behavior or beliefs. Advertising may also be political, social and ideological. Advertising differentiates brands, groups, causes ultimately sells brands and call people to actions. Advertisement is of many types like, television advertising, online advertising, pres advertising, billboard advertising, radio advertising, etc. but all advertising medium has the same objectives of attracting customers.
To attract people or audience they target ideal kids and family i.e. they advertise by keeping the same in advertisement so that the audience would think of using the product as the family is doing in advertisement. They try to convince people by telling that, only cool people would like to use this product, display commercial exaggerated videos. sometimes they use misleading phrase like , ” the taste of India”, “natural”, “real”, etc. even in some advertisements they compare their a competitive product and put them down to show themselves high, celebrities are used with the aim of targeting their fans and many such techniques is being used by advertisers. All the advertisements are not real they are exaggerated or promoted in such a manner which should earn buyers. In addition, it is their duty so it is the audience part or responsibility to be aware about such advertisements.
What should people do before buying a product?
It is the work or motive of advertisers or advertisements to influence people’s decisions but the thing here is people should be aware about all this things. Before making a decision about buying a product, people should go through following hierarchy of buying:-
Awareness: – people should be aware about the product. Whether consuming it or using it is safe, with no side effects and should be aware about the brand to which the product is associated with, its important features, etc.
Knowledge: – audience should gather all the required information regarding the product before buying it. Knowledge should be appropriate and received from proper source.
Liking: – people should have liking towards the product to buy it. If they like the product then they can proceed further but if they do not have the liking then can make efforts to know about the product and then to make decision.
Satisfaction: – if the consumer or public is satisfied about the information or product .he/she can move further to buy it.
In short, One have to understand that all those metals that are shiny and yellow in color need not be gold, they might be painted yellow or just any other yellow metal. So one have be aware of the appearance and judge everything. So it is better to keep in mind “All that glitters is not gold”.