Save the girl child


Do you ever think of living in the world where there is no woman? Wherever u turns, only the thing you can see is men is surrounded over you. This would lead to end of the world; the generation living presently would be the last generation in the earth. There will be no one to call as mom, lover, girl friend, sister, daughter, mother-in-law; etc, etc. you have to adjust your life with male population only. Just think, what will be our condition if it happens really?

To avoid this problem only the thing we all have to do is save the girl child. India is dynamically developing in almost each field whether it may be technical development, economical, infrastructural or any other development but it is still bias in the case of killing girl child. Yes, it is still prevailing in our country. Advancements in technology can be blamed first, for such happenings in our country and worldwide. Most of the couples today adopt a planned pregnancy i.e. they first detect the gender of the unborn child while the child is in womb using high techs like biopsy, ultrasound, scan tests and amniocentesis. These are technologies discovered to find out the abnormalities of unborn child but now a days used to detect the gender of the child.

It happens not only when she is in mother’s womb but also at every stage of life, she has to bear such things. At the time of birth, her family pulled her back and wrung her neck till she is dead and further throw her into a trashcan. During childhood, when her sibling brother was loaded with new shoes, dresses and books to learn while she was gifted a broom, a wiper and many tears. During teenage she has to eat the left over crumbs of her brother’s tasty and delicious foods. At the time to go to college she, is force to get marry. This, leads to illiteracy, lack of education resulted in high fertility rate, aggravating the condition of females in the country. Once again, if this female gives a birth to another girl child due to poverty, lack of education and other such reasons she has to do the same, which she bared in her life. In short, she misses all the roses of life and finally has to fit in a graveyard. That is the place where she would actually get peaceful mind.

It is a need of the hour to realize our responsibility and to give a halt to this evil crime. If these practice continuous then no longer India will, be called as mother India as there would be no mothers left in India to call so.

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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