Congratulates Mohit Kala for winning BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest-29/3/2013

0 Congratulates Mohit Kala for winning BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest-29/3/2013

BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 3.1
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

European culture developed only very slowly after the collapse of the Roman Empire in 427. Theological controversies and narrow-minded defenses of traditional doctrine and practice were the sole pre-occupations of educated clergy. During these “Dark Ages,” concern with the necessities of life and anti-intellectual sentiment in the church did little to encourage philosophical speculation. Although many nameless individuals worked to preserve the written tradition of what had gone before, there were few genuine high points in our philosophical history for a few hundred years.

An anonymous Christian writer of the fifth or sixth century, later designated as the pseudo-Dionysius, distinguished between two distinct approaches that human beings might take in their efforts to understand god. The via positiva is the method of reasoning analogically from the perceived nature of existing objects through successive layers of causal emanations until we arrive at some conception of the divine essence from which all flows. The via negativa, on the other hand, denies the literal truth of any comparison between natural things and god and relies instead upon mystical consciousness as the only possible source of genuine knowledge. Thus, in good neoplatonic fashion, god’s unity and goodness are contrasted with the degenerate plurality and evil of the created order.

As classical scholarship began to wane, preservation of the philosophical tradition required capable translation of the central works from Greek into Latin. This labor was the great contribution of Boethius, whose translation of Aristotle’s logical works provided the standard set of Latin terms for the logic of the Middle Ages. Moreover, Boethius’s Commentary on the Isagoge of Porphyry focused medieval attention on a metaphysical problem that arises from the simple fact that two or more things may share a common feature. The President of the United States and my youngest child, for example, have something in common, since they are both human beings.
The problem of universals asks the metaphysical question of what in reality accounts for this similarity between distinct individual substances. When we predicate of each substance the name of the species to which they both belong, what kinds of entities are truly involved? If the species itself is a third independently existing entity, then we must postulate the existence of a separate sphere of abstract beings like the Platonic forms. If, on the other hand, what is shared by both substances is nothing more than the name of the species, then our account of resemblances seems grounded on little more than linguistic whim. The difficulty of providing a satisfactory account of the predication of shared features provoked intense debate throughout the middle ages. As we’ll soon see, the variety of positions adopted with respect to this metaphysical issue often served as a litmus test of academic loyalties.

Since his own life lead to imprisonment and execution, Boethius also gave careful consideration to the intellectual and ethical principles of living well. In De consolatione philosophiae – The Consolation of Philosophy, he maintained that commitment to rational discourse and decision-making is vital to the successful human life, even though it offers little prospect of avoiding the personal disasters fate holds for many of us.

1. What is the problem that arises from grouping two or more things possibly sharing a common feature?

a. It creates a confusion by virtue of the many similar classifications
b. It creates a difference of opinion between academicians.
c. Such classifications are often made without rational discourse.
d. There is a lack of identity of either the individuals or the group. Correct Answer is D


BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 3.2

Which of the following inferences are true as per the given passage above?

I. Aristotelian logic was the base of the logic emanating during the Middle Ages.

II. Being human is the thing that is common to both, the President of the United States and the author’s youngest child.

III. Rational discourse cannot overcome fate.

a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. All of the above. Correct Answer is C


BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 3.3

Which of the following options captures best the difference between the via positiva the via negativa?

a. The origin of true knowledge as dictated by divinity.
b. The definition of god as a creator of all objects.
c. The derivation of god with other worldly objects.
d. The uniqueness of god as a single entity. Correct Answer is C


BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 3.4

What will the next paragraph of the passage be most likely about?
a. An example from history of a philosopher hypocritically changed his stance on the topic of resemblance between a species.
b. The formal definition of species as decided upon after deliberations through the Middle Ages.
c. How the transformation from the Middle Ages to modernity brought a change in the definition of “species”
d. The stunted growth of Dark Ages against the stunted growth in the Middle Ages and the comparison of the reasons for each Correct Answer is A


BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 3.5

What does the word ‘wane’ mean in the context of the passage?
a. gradual decrease
b. sudden decrease
c. stunted growth
d. none of the above Correct Answer is A

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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