congratulates Prashant Singh for winning BMS Gyaani of the day Contest – 31/3/2013


Prashant Singh is the winner of the BMS Gyaani Contest of the day 🙂
Congratulations Prashant

Prashant Sngh

BMS Gyaani Of The Day Contest 4.1

What is missing in this sequence?
8, 10, 14,22, ___, ___ 50,94, 98,
a. 26, 46
b. 24, 42
c. 28, 44
d. 22, 48 Correct Answer is A


BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest 4.2
Dave finished before Adam. Eileen finished after Betty. Adam finished before Charlie. Eileen finished after Dave. Betty finished before Adam. Dave finished after Betty. Charlie finished before Eileen. Who finished last?
a. Dave
b. Adam
c. Charlie
d. Correct Answer is D

BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest 4.3

If All Dogs are not Dogs who like bones and Some Dogs who like bones are not Without tail, it can be inferred from the above that
a. All Dogs are not Without tail
b. Only Dogs who like bones are Dogs
c. All dogs like bones
d. None of the above. Correct Answer is D


BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest 4.4

What does one mean by ‘golden handshake’?

a. Generous amount of gold given to a person as an incentive to join a company

b. Generous sum of money given to a person as an incentive to not leave a company

c. Last sum of money given to a person when they leave a company

d. Generous sum of money given to a person on early retirement Correct Answer is D


BMS Gyaani of the Day Contest 4.5

If A is Alpha. B is Bravo, C is Charlie
Then what does “I” Stand For:-
a) International
b)Ice Cream
c)Intelligence Correct Answer is D

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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