BMS Project Contest Entry # 4

Cutlery are tools used for preparing, serving and eating food. The most common types of cutlery are knives, spoons and forks.
The best quality cutlery is often made of silver, though steel is often used. In a restaurant, they are often served wrapped in a cloth napkin (serviette). Plastic cutlery is used for eating fast food, because it can be thrown away.
In the United States, these are more often called “utensils”. They are also often called “silverware”, even when they are not made of silver.
Cutlery refers to any hand implement used in preparing, serving, and especially eating food in the Western world. It is more usually known as silverware or flatware in the United States, where cutlery usually means knives and related cutting instruments. This is probably the original meaning of the word. Since silverware suggests the presence of silver, the term tableware has come into use.
The major items of cutlery in the Western world are the knife, fork and spoon. In recent times, hybrid versions of cutlery have been made combining the functionality of different eating implements, including the spork (spoon / fork), spife (spoon / knife), and knork (knife / fork) or the sporf which is all three.

You can view the full project at

Production Process of Cutlery



By Leencycil Badiger, Saket College



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