Need of Youths in Indian Politics


At present India’s political background is so wide and matured that it is very much complex to understand. The experienced personnel has established and managed the political parties in India, each party has their own agenda. The political activities in India have made the political influence identical to as the power. Politicians make use of the political power for their personal use or interest. This leads to high corruption and is the same, which is being deep, rooted in the Indian politics since many years. Moreover, here in this world of 21st century every country in the world is in a race of developmental process. Globalization and liberalization has lead to huge competition and participation in global market, which promotes the path to development and success of the country.

In order to develop and stand as a tough competition in the global market India has to utilize its wide and dedicated workforce. Hence, for that there should be a change in Indian political system. The new, fresher, experienced, intellectual, leaders should replace the rigid and matured political system. The old leaders are not capable of meeting the public’s expectation, due to their corrupt mind and their incapability to do so.

India is the country where the 70% of our billion plus population is youth that is they are below the age of 40 years. Youths have excelled almost in every field in India be it in sports, business or entertainment. The only field where India lacks is in the field of politics. “The future of every country lies in the hands of youth “according to this phrase we have to replace the old matured politicians with fresh youths. As young people is the foundation of any nation. Youths are more prone to accept risks and accept challenges and are comparatively less exposed to corruption. The spirit towards the nation and their courage is what going to bring India in the top. One of the most important parts where India needs to develop is the rural area of our country, which constitutes of majority of in our country. To achieve this target of rural development India needs honest, dedicated and effective leaders. This can achieve by Indian youths only.

Indian parties individually hold the responsibility of introducing youth into the politics. They are the one who should inspire young generation and use these talented generation in the right path. If the Indian politics is replaced by youths then surely one-day India will be on the top of the world in each field including politics.

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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