Right to Information


Right to information is nothing but the right that common public posse to be informed. Here, the government gives the right to citizens the right to get information. Citizens can even question the government about various facilities or services render to them. The citizens or public can take the information either verbally or written through copies of documents, samples, printout, videos, recordings, or in any such medium of electronic device or gadgets. This right is being provided to each citizen of the country including all states, union territories. Jammu and Kashmir is the exception. The right to information bill was passed in both the house of the parliament later was introduced in the act named right to information act, in the year 2005.

The right to information act has its influence in a wider scale some of them are as follows:-

Greater transparency:-

Every company is individually responsible for them to disclose their information regularly and timely .They have to follow the rules and regulations as prescribed by the RTI act, 2005. Hence, the authorities responsible for the same have to practically, disclose all the information through publishing it in relevant documents. Moreover, they should timely update with the information public through various communicating devices and through internet

Promotes government and citizen relations:-                                                                                  

The RTI act strengthened the government- citizen relation. In fact they both becomes just like a partner in the social welfare activities, which is going to benefit the local public or citizen. All these are because of the involvement of the local people in the decision due to RTI act.

Reduction in Corruption:-

The introduction of RTI act, made the firms to be transparent in nature, due to which the entrepreneurs and other  officials in the firms have to be very concerned about the illegal activities they are undergoing as they are under supervision or subject to answer local public. Hence, it helps in reducing the number of corruptions in the country.

Promotes the information literacy:-

The RTI act has made the public aware about their right to being informed about the product, commodities, or services, which they are going to use. Which makes the public gain proper information about the product its benefits, disadvantrages, features, price, etc. due to which people can make their own choice of buying or consuming the particular product or commodity. Which increases the information literacy among the public and it indirectly leads to development in the standard of living.

Thus, RTI has its significant influence on the public and the country. This not only increases the knowledge of the society but also increases the responsibility of entrepreneur and other public officers. Moreover, the active participation of the public in developmental process has reduced the corruption in a greater scale. Hence, RTI is significant in the development of the society, ensuring the services being provided to the local people and for creating equal opportunities to the people irrespective of their standard.

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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