Internship must for BMS students!


Acting on the negative feedback from stakeholders and employers, the Board of Management Studies (BMS) of University of Mumbai has decided to change the format of the course to include internship as a compulsory part of the programme.
Officials said that the move would not only give hands-on experience to students, but also equip them with experience that would help them during recruitments.
“We are in a constant process of interacting and taking feedback from the industry and corporates regarding the quality of management graduates required by them from time to time. One of the most regular complaints we receive from employers is that the students lack the skills required,” said Dr M.G. Shirhatti, director, BMS, UM.
He further added that after a detailed study, investigation and comparison, the board has reached the conclusion that students need to be given practical training as part of the management studies programme before they graduate. “Like in law, chartered accountancy, engineering and medicine, the board has arrived at an understanding that management students also need to have a six-month apprenticeship before they are offered their degrees,” said Dr Shirhatti.
He however added that the decision was yet to be enforced as the University was awaiting the response from the corporates. “This initiative requires the active participation of the stakeholders and therefore we have invited heads of a few organisations to finalise the same. Once it is done we will be enforcing the same,” said Dr Shirhatti. He, however, refused to comment on whether the same would be implemented from the next academic year.

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