Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?


The globalization and the liberalization movement have encouraged the interest of foreign direct investments in any country. The reason behind the attractiveness of foreign country in India is just that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and the same is the reason behind setting up their own manufacturing, industrial and distributing units in India.

Hence, multinational firms have provided a wide opportunity for the employees in the country by providing them employments, which reduces the problem of unemployment. Moreover, it Introduce cross culture in the country. The workers are provided with good and fair salary, which leads to higher purchasing powers in the hands of public, which ultimately increases the standard of living. As the multinational companies are from developed country they afford using high technologies and machines, due to which they are able to produce goods at a good quality and can make the goods available at lowest possible price, which is easy to purchase by people of middle and lower middle class families. They not only use effective machines for production processes but also make the employees train properly under professionals and make them efficient and effective for their company, which leads to skillful employers or workers in them. It is much obvious that by making use of such highly skillful workers and advanced technologies they will produce goods of superior quality.

Multinational firms not only serve the customers and workers working in it but also develop domestic Indian firms by giving them competition. Generally, domestic company cannot beat MNC’s in competition. However, the domestic firms cannot just give up; they try to improve their product cost, by reducing the wastage during production process and quality, by making use of advanced technologies. This indirectly leads to development in the production process of the domestic firms. In addition, supports Indian economy indirectly through advancing Indian firms.

Multinational firms usually have a very strong strategy in them to overcome the difficulties faced by their companies. For instance, foreign companies as if Coca cola and Pepsi had serious issues about their quality and prices but with the help of their solid strategy they overcome all their difficulties and we people still use this soft drinks. Even it is used rural villages now as days.

We can proudly say that the reason behind the successful foreign or multinational firms is by the use of young brains and minds from India. Yes! Survey has discovered a majority of Indian population behind the success of multinational firms. Moreover major of the white collared in foreign firms are Indians. The only reason behind the development of Indian domestic firms is corruption. If the matter of corruptions ended, then surely the Indian youths will opt for Indian firms rather than multinational firms as they can avail with good salaries, services, etc. and the situation will turn around where Indian firms will be on the top instead of other multinational firms. However, according to the present condition of our country as well as domestic firms we can conclude that a multinational firm is obviously superior to Indian domestic firms.

The globalization and the liberalization movement have encouraged the interest of foreign direct investments in any country. The reason behind the attractiveness of foreign country in India is just that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and the same is the reason behind setting up their own manufacturing, industrial and distributing units in India.

Hence, multinational firms have provided a wide opportunity for the employees in the country by providing them employments, which reduces the problem of unemployment. Moreover, it Introduce cross culture in the country. The workers are provided with good and fair salary, which leads to higher purchasing powers in the hands of public, which ultimately increases the standard of living. As the multinational companies are from developed country they afford using high technologies and machines, due to which they are able to produce goods at a good quality and can make the goods available at lowest possible price, which is easy to purchase by people of middle and lower middle class families. They not only use effective machines for production processes but also make the employees train properly under professionals and make them efficient and effective for their company, which leads to skillful employers or workers in them. It is much obvious that by making use of such highly skillful workers and advanced technologies they will produce goods of superior quality.

Multinational firms not only serve the customers and workers working in it but also develop domestic Indian firms by giving them competition. Generally, domestic company cannot beat MNC’s in competition. However, the domestic firms cannot just give up; they try to improve their product cost, by reducing the wastage during production process and quality, by making use of advanced technologies. This indirectly leads to development in the production process of the domestic firms. In addition, supports Indian economy indirectly through advancing Indian firms.

Multinational firms usually have a very strong strategy in them to overcome the difficulties faced by their companies. For instance, foreign companies as if Coca cola and Pepsi had serious issues about their quality and prices but with the help of their solid strategy they overcome all their difficulties and we people still use this soft drinks. Even it is used rural villages now as days.

We can proudly say that the reason behind the successful foreign or multinational firms is by the use of young brains and minds from India. Yes! Survey has discovered a majority of Indian population behind the success of multinational firms. Moreover major of the white collared in foreign firms are Indians. The only reason behind the development of Indian domestic firms is corruption. If the matter of corruptions ended, then surely the Indian youths will opt for Indian firms rather than multinational firms as they can avail with good salaries, services, etc. and the situation will turn around where Indian firms will be on the top instead of other multinational firms. However, according to the present condition of our country as well as domestic firms we can conclude that a multinational firm is obviously superior to Indian domestic firms.

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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