Entrepreneurship Important Question Bank 2013 – 1 day before the exams!


1) Characteristics and Types of Entrepreneurs

2) Problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs and Role of SHG

3) Content and Structures of Business plan

4) Types of Entrepreneurship Development Programs

5) Importance of Social Entrepreneurship

6) Sources of finance for setting up a new business


P.S. These are only likely questions and not the only questions to be studied for exams. Students are requested to also be thorough with their syllabus and understand the concepts.



Also refer to the Important question banks provided by:

MT UVA BMS – http://www.bms.co.in/entrepreneurship-question-bank-2013-mt-uva-bms/

Shreya Classes – http://www.bms.co.in/entrepreneurship-question-bank-2013-shreya-classes/

Navigator Tutorials – http://www.bms.co.in/entrepreneurship-question-bank-2013-navigator-tutorials/

Other Professors – http://www.bms.co.in/entrepreneurship-question-bank-2013/

Last Minute Revision – http://www.bms.co.in/entrepreneurship-concepts-last-minute-revision/


Time duration:

Concepts – 15 marks (20 minutes – each concept 4 minutes)

Case Study – 15 marks (55 minutes)

Long Questions – 10 marks (15 minutes each)


BOOKS REFERRED: – Entrepreneurship & Management of Small & Medium Enterprises by Sunny Fernandes RISHABH PUBLISHING HOUSE (RPH)


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