Welingkar GD Topics of 2011 and 2012




1.  Advertising on TV Still delivers.

2.  After Chernobyl and Fukushima what is the future of Nuclear Energy in India.

3.  Agitation or Revolution

4.  Are Indian Politicians are puppets in hands of Indian Corporates

5.  Branding is all a Gimmick

6.  Can a movement like Anna Hazare’s and Lokpal bill change the political

scenario of India.

7.  Can Anna Hazare clean up India?

8.  Can corruption in India be minimized without the Jan Lokpal Bill.

9.  Can idealism & realism exist together??

10. Climate, Change & I

11. Corruption is more at top or bottom

12. Cricket world cup — a wastage of time or a uniting force

13. Democracy-Boon/Bane for India

14. Does business demand unethical practices?

15. Glamor & Bollywood attracting a lot of youth

16. Growing consumerism is the indication of the nation’s economic prosperity

17. How can B-schools prepare better entrepreneurs?

18. How will you use technology to eradicate corruption

19. India and china: one manufacturing hub and other knowledge hub….

20. India GDP, Agri :16%, Indust:29%, Services:55%; its implications

21. India Shining or India Corrupt

22. Indians perform better at individual level or in groups

23. Innovative methods to keep the cities clean.

24. Joint Family V/s Nuclear family

25. Micro-Finance has got a bad name…. Give reasons for it

26. Quality is myth in India

27. Role of youth in anticorruption

28. Should India adopt one child policy like china

29. Should Pakistan be declared a terrorist state?

30. Social networking – advantage or distraction

31. Social networking a boon/bane

32. What if corporates like TCS, infosys governed our country for the next 5 years

33. What India can learn from China and vice versa.

34. What is more important skill of a leader, great thinking or excellent execution?


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Rochelle D souza
Educational Qualifications: M. Sc., M. Ed., SET (Edu.), CPWED (ISB) Rochelle has learnt management from ISB and is equipped with a degree in education which she uses to fine tune processes in the teaching-learning process at Quoin. She conducts various workshops for GDPI students. She believes in nurturing individual talent and working on enhancing students strengths


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