Does media really give wide publicity to services?


Whenever there are health and safety scares over a particular type of service, the media gives a wide publicity to it so that the general public knows about it. The organization will then attempt to restore good public relations through the use and applications of PR tools

These include:

a)      Publicity through media, press conferences and press releases.

b)      Sponsorship of events

c)      Public announcement and special publications.

d)     Involvement in social and community initiatives

e)      Lobbying

f)       Corporate brochures, in- house journals and other publicity material.


The PR manager has to plan and distribute the information on a systematic basis and has to try and ensure that the organization is presented in the best possible manner.

PR has traditionally  being viewed as playing a supporting role in the promotion mix, but today it is gaining wider attention and recognition as a communication tool.

PR is concerned with a number of marketing tasks, which include the following:

  • Maintaining and building image
  • Influencing specific public
  • Reinforcing positioning
  • Handling problems and issues
  • Supporting other communication activities
  • Assisting the launch o new service


Any service organization’s image is made up of the collective experiences, views, attitude and beliefs held about PR. Public relations can use a range of PR tools mentioned above to improve or maintain the image of the organization. Images gaps do exist. The major PR objective will be to assess where such important gaps exist and then take actions to close them.

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rohit patil

i am guy very passionate about management and therefore i opted BMS planning for MBA in ahead but needs some ground level experience.


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