How public relation works in government services!


The public relation section in government is generally a small one, consisting of the public relations officer or public relations inspector with one or more assistants, and clerical staff. The public relations officer usually reports to the general purposes committee, or sometimes a special public relations committee or sub-committee, through the clerk of the council – whose understanding and support are essential for the success of his work. The officer attends council meetings and committee meetings that have a particular bearing on his work activities at the time. It is customary for him to have the right to attend all committee meetings; the ideal arrangements, however, is to have this right but to exercise is as seldom as possible, for too frequent attendance at meetings is bound to interfere with efficient execution of the many tasks which require attention.

Local authorities have a duty to keep their own staff informed, particularly on matters which may have a direct bearing on them. It is also very important that members of an authority should be provided with information an all relevant matters. In both of these vital spheres, an efficient public relations unit within an authority can provide a comprehensive information service.

The most important single aspect of public relations will always be personal contact between the members and officers of a local authority and the citizens they serve. If a person visits a town hall with a problem and is received with indifference or discourtesy, no amount of subsequent publicity will eradicate the unfortunate impression made. The first objective of public relation in government should be, therefore, to do everything possible to break down the barriers to friendly relations between officials and the publics. All contacts – whether in person, by letter, or by telephone-should be made as easy and courteous as possible.

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