PR acts as a liaison between Government and public


          Government is an organ created by the statutes and formed by the public. Public is a large community which is composed of groups of doctors, lawyers, engineers, professionals, voters, political parties, opposition parties, employees, labor, and other cross sections of people. Public vary, it is complex, inter-related and inter-linked, hence publicity and communication should be the activities of the government and also forms a part of the developmental activities.

Government public relations was a neglected field in the past, today they find that they cannot remain passive nor ignore the public and hence it has become a specialized area and given a place of the prominence. The central and the state government have established public relations department. It is acting as a liaison between the government and the public.

Today, it has become important for the government to inform and convince the public and win support. There is a lot of information with the government on public affairs which should be revealed and extended to the public. Regular interaction with the public provides a vital role for PR practitioners.

The public relations practitioner works in public information and relations department and one who represents the government on the public relations. The government wing of public relation is a bridge between the government and the public at large.

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rohit patil

i am guy very passionate about management and therefore i opted BMS planning for MBA in ahead but needs some ground level experience.


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