GK Questions CMAT 22nd May 1st slot

CMAT 22nd May 1st Slot:
1) Which is 42 line Bible? Ans) Gutenburg
2) Garnier belongs to which FMCG brand.
3) Which country does not have Union Jack in their national flag?
a) Ireland
b) New Zealand
c) Australia
d) Fiji
4) When was the Gateway of India built?
5) Hymns and chants of the Veda of the Aryans were what?
a) Puranas b) Epic etc
6) Last Moghul Emperor?
7 Tag line of Samsung Galaxy SIII
8) West Bengal shares its borders with how many countries (1, 2, 3, 4)


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Rochelle D souza
Educational Qualifications: M. Sc., M. Ed., SET (Edu.), CPWED (ISB) Rochelle has learnt management from ISB and is equipped with a degree in education which she uses to fine tune processes in the teaching-learning process at Quoin. She conducts various workshops for GDPI students. She believes in nurturing individual talent and working on enhancing students strengths


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