GK questions for CMAT 21st May 2nd slot

GK questions for 21st May 2nd slot:-

1) Sun rays reaches the earth because of the physical phenomenon called – Convection, Conduction, Direct, Radiation.
2) Number of members in EU? – 18,20,28,15
3) Saltest Sea – Caspian, Red, Dead, Med
4) Highest Selling Movie- Titanic, Avatar, Dark Knight
5) which is not a part of Panchsheel Agreement?
6) Density of Milk after Cream is separated ? increase, decreases, remains same.
7) India is not a Part of – BRIC, OPEC, SAARC
8) Deepest point on earth
9) What is the port town of Harappan civilisation: Rupal, Lothal, Mohenjo Dharo, Khadappa??
10) Who won Wimbledon 2012 ??


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Rochelle D souza
Educational Qualifications: M. Sc., M. Ed., SET (Edu.), CPWED (ISB) Rochelle has learnt management from ISB and is equipped with a degree in education which she uses to fine tune processes in the teaching-learning process at Quoin. She conducts various workshops for GDPI students. She believes in nurturing individual talent and working on enhancing students strengths


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