Interview with Garima Juneja, Founder, – Your recipe to Internet success!




Tell us something about yourself ?

I have completed my in Electronics and Communication from I.P University Delhi, but was never inclined towards electronics or in fact, anything technical. I have always had a flair for writing and marketing. I have been writing on freelance basis since I was in the third year of my college. By the time I entered 4th year, I already had a freelance team of writers and clients from India and abroad. After passing out, I joined a start – up Metawing technologies as a Digital Marketing and PR Executive. This job proved to be the turning point in my life because it helped me improve my communication skills. I was a confident speaker now and could talk to a CEO without any hesitation.


Tell us something about your business.

I had started a content providing company, Exuberance digital media through which we used to provide content writing and SEO services. With time, the internet scenario changed and the focus shifted to Social Media traffic rather than SEO. At this point of time, I met an awesome co – founder and we founded a unique Social Media company, Viralcurry ( ). We have the recipe to your social media success. All our social media campaigns have gone viral, with youngsters dying to become a part of each one of them.


What is your philosophy towards work?

My philosophy is just three simple words – “Never Give Up!” There will be times when you would be exhausted because of lack of funds, the right team, clients or even time. But, you don’t have to give up! You have to keep looking for different ways to combat with that problem instead of saying “I quit”. The truth is, most start – ups fail because they give up too early. This one is especially for the girls – don’t get panicked by the implications of your family and the society. They will speak ill of you anyway. You have to be a salesman and constantly sell your business ideas to everyone around you, be it your team, clients, family or investors.


Whom do you admire as your role model? And why?

All the women entrepreneurs are my role models, even if she owns a small boutique in the corner of the street. She is managing a team of workers, clients, finances and above all, her family!


“Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

Proper management is the prime factor that decides the failure or success of any organization, society or even an individual. Bad management can lead to failure in all prospects.


Name 3 qualities of prime importance that a businessman should possess.


Down to earth nature



According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

The first challenge to Entrepreneurs in India is the SOCIETY! If anyone goes against the normal thinking of doing a stable job, people downsize their morale and try their best to pull them away from it. Second challenge is the lack of funds. You want to do something awesome, you have the idea but you don’t have the funds to do that. 


Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

 I’ve never been to a B-School and running two start – ups successfully. Entrepreneurship can be appreciated and encouraged in a good B – School, but can’t be taught, definitely. The challenges of each business are different. You can’t teach a student what to say to a client if he doesn’t have a proper office and the client wants to visit their workplace. You learn that by experience.


Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?

No, it doesn’t. I am from a very less known college. Nobody even knows its name. but people know my name and how nicely I work.


Do you think today’s economy is conducive for a new venture to start upon?

The economy is somewhat more favorable than it was few years ago.  


“Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

The business which starts with this desire ONLY, is more likely to die out fast. The initial motive should be to earn name and credibility in your field. Once you earn the trust of people around you, nobody can stop money from flowing in.


Share with us the most enjoyable moment you had experienced on work.

All the successful social media projects that we do make me extremely happy. Like, when our hashtags trend on twitter worldwide. 


Your feedback for

A very good site with authentic and useful information for students. Such websites should be encouraged and appreciated. Well done,!




  • History- Started off as a content providing firm, taken shape to internet marketing agency
  • Vision/Mission- To make all our clients’ businesses viral online.
  • Products & Service- Social media moderation, content writing, content marketing/Blogging, SEO, online magazine –, (social networking website)
  • Marketing Strategy- Word of mouth, through networking, events.
  • Existing Market Presence- Have worked for 15+ international clients within the short span of 1 year.
  • Future Plans- Wish to become the best Internet marketing agency of India and release our own blogs that are useful and interesting for the audience.





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Ankita Dalvi

I am kinda person who lives a simple life. Manages to be happy in every situation and enjoys every bit of life


  1. The interview is quite fascinating and inspiring but its not just the girls who are facing the critics from society guys face it too,the thing is whenever someones tries to do stuff which is not similar to doing an ordinary 8 to 6 job he/she faces difficulties which may include lack of support and funds very true but the thing is we should just keep going and never give up,congrats to Garima Juneja for the success and thanks to the publisher Ankita Dalvi for the motivation i just needed to keep going.

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