Features of Industrial Relations


Features of Industrial Relations:

  1. Industrial relations are the relations between two parties connected with industrial / manufacturing activity, namely employer and employees. Such relations are the outcome of the employment relationship in Industry.
  2. The concept of industrial relations is complex and multi- dimensional. It is also a dynamic and developing concept.
  3. In the olden days, industrial relations were cordial and peaceful. However, at present, they are not so due to increase in the number of industrial workers, growth of trade unions, growing demands of workers etc.
  4. Industrial relations do not function in a vacuum. The attitude and approaches of• employers, employees and trade unions are directly related ‘to, industrial relations.
  5. Industrial relations lead to “industrial peace” or “industrial unrest”. Both terms are used in relation to industrial relations. Cordial industrial , relations bring industrial peace i.e. a period when industrial disputes, strikes, lock-outs, etc. are absent and production activity is being conducted in a regular and continuous manner.
  6. Cordial industrial relations are always beneficial to all concerned parties whereas absences of such relations are harmful to all parties and even to the national economy.


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