Benefits Of Maintaining Service Quality



1)         Improve their image in the eyes of customers. When an organization provides quality service it will build good brand image. Even the word of mouth will help increasing the sales.

2)         Improve profitability. When there is word of mouth, it leads to increase in sales and also increase in profits of an organization.

3)         Improve staff morale. Employees are having high morale while working with an organization that is comply with all its duties and social responsibility towards society and providing satisfaction to its customers.

4)         Increase productivity. When an organization is esteem with good brand image and higher staff morale the productivity would automatically increase.

5)         Reduce costs. With higher profitability company can spend more on research and development that would add more value to product/services with reduced costs.

6)         Encourage employee participation. If there is proper working condition in an organization, it would increase employee participation as well as profits and image of company.

7)         Brings about continuous improvement. Employee participation, increased productivity, reduced cost will bring continuous improvement.

8)         Minimize price sensitive. In long run customer will understand that quality comes with higher price, and will be attracted towards the service of an organization.

9)         Increase customer satisfaction. Expected service quality, excellent after sales service will lead to higher customer satisfaction.

10)      Differentiate themselves from the competitors. Competitive Service quality would definitely differentiate themselves from those of competitors.

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