Customers As Contributors To Service Quality & Satisfaction


Customers As Contributors To Service Quality & Satisfaction:

Another role customers can play in service delivery is that of contributors to their own satisfaction and the ultimate quality of the service they receives. Effective customer participation can increase the likelihood that needs are met and that the benefits the customers seeks are actually attained.

E.G. about services such as health care, education, personal fitness, and weight loss, where the service outcome is highly dependent on customer participation.

In there cases, unless the customers perform their roles effectively, the desired service outcomes are not possible.

Research suggests that customers who believe that they have done their part to be effective in service interactions are more satisfied with the service. Customers contribute to quality service delivery when they ask questions, take responsibility for their own satisfaction and complain when there is service failure. In addition to their own satisfaction by improving the quality of service delivered to them, some customers simply enjoy participating in service delivery. These customers find the act of participating to be intrinsically attractive.

E.G. they enjoy using the internet to attain airline tickets or they may like to do all of their banking via ATMs and automated phone systems, o to pump their own gas. Often customers who like self service in one setting are predisposed to serving themselves in other setting as well.

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