Define customer jobs: In developing strategies for addressing customer involvement n service delivery, the organization first determines what type of participation it wants from customer, thus beginning to define the customers job. Identifying the current level if participation can serve as a starting point, Customer’s job role may be partially predetermined by the nature of the service, it may be that the service requires moderate level of input from the customers in the form of effort o information (e.g. Haircut, tax preparation) on it may require the customer to actually co create the service outcome (e.g. fitness training, consulting).
The organization may decide that it is satisfied with the existing level of participation it required from customers but wants to make the participation more effective. Alternatively, the organization may choose to increase the level of customer participation, which may reposition the service in the customer’s eyes. Experts have suggested, that higher levels of customer participation are strategically advisable when service production and delivery are inseparable; marketing benefits (oss selling , building loyalty) can be enhanced by in site contract with the customer and customers can supplement for the labour and information provided by employees.