Acid Rain

  • Meaning: Acid Rain is a threat to the environment attributed to the combustion/ burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal and Natural Gas,), which are heavily used by utilities to produce electricity.
  • Acid Rain: Burning fossil fuels, containing high levels of sulphur, release large quantities of Sulphur Oxides and Nitrogen Oxides into the atmosphere, when these gases are carried into the air, they combine with water vapour in clouds to form Nitric Acid and Sulphuric acid. These acid are then carried down in the rain, thus raising the acidity of the water sources.
  • Effects: Acid Rain–

A. Soaks into soils and falls directly on trees and other vegetation. Acid rain directly damages forests and indirectly destroys the wildlife and species that depend on forests for food and breeding.

B. Increases the acidity of the water sources. Many fish populations and other aquatic organisms are unable to survive in lakes and rivers that have become highly acidic due to acid rain.
C. Releases toxic metals from the soil and carries these into waterways, where they contaminate drinking, water and lead to various diseases.

D. Corrodes and damages buildings, statues, and other objects, specifically those made of iron, limestone, and marble.

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