Conservation of Natural Resources

  • Conservation refers to the saving or rationing of natural resources for later use.
  • Conservation, looks primarily to the future, i.e. the need to limit consumption now to have resources available for tomorrow. Thus, Pollution “ consumes” pure air and water, and Pollution control “ conserves” them for the future.
  • Depletion of resources is primarily a concern for future generations. Conservation, therefore, is the only way of ensuring a supply of tomorrow’s generations.


  • Earlier, Business enterprise were mainly concerned with “using” the economic resources in the best possible manner. Now, there is an increase awareness to “conserve” the ecological resources.
  • Factors like –(i) awareness of social responsibility, (ii) need to adopt ethical values, and (iii) more statutory requirements towards pollution control, environment – friendly practices, etc, have translated into providing safety for ht workers at workplace, concern for their health, reducing pollution and incorporating environmental values in governance.

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