Environmental Ethics

  • Meaning: Environmental Ethics concerns the value system of societies – the value system that has brought the state of environment to the present situation. It focuses on the need to minimize pollution, and adoption of environment – friendly business practices.
  • Global Impact: Problems like Global Warming, Ozone Depletion and disposal of hazardous wastes, affect the entire world. They require international co- operation and have to be tackled at he global level.
  • Pervasive: the issue of Environmental Ethics concerns ethical behaviour of all types of organizations ranging from International Bodies, National Governments, Opinion Markers, Media, Intelligentsia, public and Private enterprises and NGOs.
  • Facets: Environmental Ethics has tow facets – (a) the effect, i.e. problems relating to protection of environment or nature in terms of pollution, resource utilization or waste disposal, and (b) the basic cause ,i.e. issues of expletive human nature and attitude that should be addressed in a rational way.
  • Role of Business: Ethical Practices vis –a – vis environment have to be adopted by Business Enterprises. For example, a Firm engaged in export for products has to satisfy the importer in regard to the quality, ethics and environmental standards.

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