Dot com or Doubt com?


Dot com

Well as i have already mentioned in my previous article, internet is networks of networks and we can get a lots of information and knowledge if used to fullest extent. In the internet domain not only dot com (stands for commercial sites) is present but also several different domains like .net, .in, .org, .edu is available.

Since internet is having lots of different domains, so whenever you try to get some information from internet, you will get several opinions based for that particular information say whether temperature information on different sites shows different weather results in such non-standardize situation you might confused about that result. This situation lets you to know one side of coin.

But in the early or rather late 90’s when the bug named y2k arose its deadly head over the IT horizons then it was presumed to be the end of computer era. As every detail that was maintained on a system would be “lost” thought people but anyway that was controlled and the IT industry got a fresh lease of life.

Then came sudden doom for IT companies and they were seen to be as monsters for not providing enough jobs to graduate as one would have thought. This all would have made it a doubt com rather than a dot com. But with a booming industry and the rise of giants from India named Wipro, Infosys the future is dot com and surely not doubt com as even small children knows C, C++ so the technology would be developing.


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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