Interview with Akash Ajay Thakur, TYBMS Topper 2013, Pillai College





Aggregate %-  73.91%

Project Grade-  O


Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Portfolio

Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes? – Yes, I opted coaching for IF, OR and Portfolio subjects at Achiever’s classes.

Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-Playing snooker

Fondly known as (name) in the college group – After securing 1st rank in 5th sem I was called  ‘THE TOPPER’!!!!

Ambition in life- To crack UPSC exams and secure a good post like IAS.

Most memorable moment in BMS- When I topped 5th sem I was on cloud 11 and again being the aggregate topper its like cherry on the cake!!!

Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –  Never attended the lectures but I still managed to top.


1)      Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

I had chosen finance in 5th sem so I went for portfolio in 6th sem. I thought this subject will help me shape my career in a better way. Also finance background people  have a good demand in market.


2)      Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you? 

Yes I always used this website during the preparation of my exams. The question banks provided on this site are very helpful. Also the ideas and techniques recommended by previous years toppers are good to be followed.


3)      How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

No doubt I’m on top of the world after scoring so good again but being the 5th sem topper was a complete shock to me as I never expected it…but I believe ‘Miracles do happen’ and to make it happen once more I studied more seriously this time.

There is a phase of boredom at times but if you are dedicated then no one can stop you in achieving your goals. My family is very supportive they always stood by me during my exams and never disturbed me and for other external factors I managed my time smartly.

‘Books are man’s best friend’ if you make a good connection with them you will always succeed. I made my subjects and chapters interesting which helped me learn many things at a time.

4)      Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

Obviously there is a vast list of people without whom it would have not been possible for me to achieve this.
My parents and family are the most important people who always supported me in my bad times along with my friends.
I would like to thanks my all friends and specially Kajal, Niraj, Ritesh, Sachin, Neelam, Niranjan  for supporting me with notes and assignments.


5)      What is your message to the aspirants?

I would say only one thing just as I said before that study from day 1 itself this will help you cover lot of portion and it wont be a burden for you at last.

Once you top in the 5th sem you will surely have the greed to top in the next sem too and automatically you will study hard. The respect and importance which you receive from your teachers, friends, family and everyone is just awesome so study hard.


     6)  What was your study plan?

I had never made any specific plan for studies but at the time of exams I use to follow only 1 practise “RATTA MAAR”


7)      Marks of every subject





IMTP- 35 – 34


PORTFOLIO- 42 – 37



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