“When Dreams and Determination come together nothing can stop you from achieving your Goals” says Vivek Sudesh Pange, TYBMS Topper 2013, Bhavans College (Andheri)





Aggregate – 79%.

(1st Rank for all 3 years).

Sem 5: 75%

Sem 6: 82%

Project Grade- Outstanding (O).


1.      Tell us more about yourself.

Hi, my name is Vivek and I have just completed my graduation in BMS from Bhavan’s College. I am a versatile person and love to keep pushing myself towards perfection. Well, about me, I am a fun loving person. I like to hang out with friends and also have a knack for writing and photography. Also I like to play songs on my keyboard, make music, read novels, etc.


2.      Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to top in the exams. My aim was to beat my previous semester record which indirectly made me secure the first rank. I definitely would like to credit my success to my parents for guiding and motivating me. I am also thankful to my Co-ordinator and professors at college. It wouldn’t have been possible without their guidance. And last but not the least my friends who were always there to support me as a team in different projects and presentations. Thus, I was able to achieve 1st Rank for all 3 years in BMS.


3.      Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

Yes, the preparation was from day 1 in the form of a vision, a dream which slowly and steadily was moulded with dedication to work and then finally executing at the right moment.


4.      How did you allot time to different subjects? 

I used to plan for a week in advance and then execute my time table. I followed a flexible schedule wherein I made sure that all the subjects are covered at least once a week. The weightage given to practical subjects like FM, SSF, OR, IAPM, IF was more as compared to theory subjects. I also made sure that I used to get sufficient sleep before studying as it helps in rejuvenating the mind.


5.      Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?

Be regular in lectures and clear your doubts immediately. Don’t keep them till the end. Try to help others in different subjects.  It not only helps to clear your own doubts but in the process your own revision is done. Prepare a separate book for formulas or shortcuts for long answers. It helps in last minute revision. Study and solve the last 5 years papers of all subjects. It really helps in forecasting the university paper.
6.      Which are the easy subjects? Any special way of writing the answers? 
No subject is hard. All are easy if they are understood well. As far as for answers the writing style does matter a lot. Always start the answer with an intro followed by the answer and conclusion. Flood your answer with live examples and diagrams. Even if you don’t know, still write something which makes sense but make sure you complete it and don’t miss out any answers in the paper. Highlight important terms and refer the books recommended by the professors.


7.      Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough?

I think for practical subjects like FM, SSF, OR, IF, IAPM coaching is necessary. Practical subjects can boost your percentage. So it’s best to join classes for those subjects. As far for theory subjects, I think they can be tackled with self-study and a bit of reference material.


8.      Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

Yes, I had joined coaching class FM, SSF, OR, IF, IAPM and it proved quite beneficial as they acted percentage boosters to my final result.


9.      Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS?

Yes, along with BMS, I was also pursuing a professional course in Animation from Arena Multimedia. It was a 2.5 year course which covered the aspects of Animation and Multimedia.


10.  Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

I don’t think tension or failure in exams can be a reason for suicide. A student creates his own tension by following prey to other activities like addiction to drugs or alcoholism, misusing the trust of the parents, etc. which are not included in the syllabus. This not only degrades the reputation of the institution but indirectly puts the student in depression and stress. Stress releasing techniques differ from person to person. As for me I listen to music, play on my keyboard, strum my guitar, and watch a nice movie with my friends.


11.  Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

Yes, definitely, in fact every year they should be arranged. From the practical point of view they are very useful. To know what actually happens inside a factory or office is an altogether different experience. Students should be groomed and must be exposed to the practical environment so as to bridge the gap between college study and corporate experience, so that when they graduate they can easily adopt to the corporate environment. I had visited Saras dairy and the Amul Dairy in Gujarat and had an amazing experience in knowing the internal environment.


12.  Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock?

Yes, but that’s what BMS is all about. You can’t expect a happy go journey here. One of the primary objective of this course is to prepare us to work under pressure, stress and how we handle the decision making process in critical situations.


13.  What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

Going more practical and giving equal weightage to written exams as well as projects and presentations must be done in syllabus. Subjects like CRM, Entrepreneurship, and Portfolio Investment require practical sighting which must be included in syllabus. Showing the real corporate image and the current global scenario to the students will surely give them the idea on the specialization of the field they want to choose.


14.  What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

I just want to say, “When Dreams and Determination come together nothing can stop you from achieving your Goals”. So never lose hope and continue to give your best shot because this is the only platform where you can experiment. Never lose hope when things don’t happen as per your wish. Instead be happier for the best is yet to come. Keep yourself updated in your field. And in all the rush for marks, don’t forget to enjoy the three amazing years of your graduation.


15.  What are the future plans post BMS?

Well as of now I’m trying to gain work experience as well as preparing for entrance exams.


16.  Any Feedback/Suggestions for BMS.co.in?

You are doing a fantastic job of keeping the BMS students updated with the happenings in this particular stream. I personally had a lot of help from BMS.com in terms of academics, presentations and even for the 200 marks University Project.

Your new group of Jobs in Management on Facebook is also a very good initiative. It is really helping us to find the right kind of job for us.


Keep up the great work and you guys are doing it the best…….!!!


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