Interview with Karishma Mohite, TYBMS Topper 2013, Sathaye College


Aggregate %-  81.83% and 83.67% in 6th Sem

Project Grade-       O grade  

Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Retail marketing

Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes?.

Yes I had joined coaching because I felt the need to join coaching classes ( Excel tutorials ) because I analysed that I need to study those subjects ( International Finance and Operations Research ) rigorously so as to get better understanding of it.

Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements:

I love to learn languages, watch useful documentaries, read economic times and surf on net in my spare time.

Ambition in life-

Since I have pursued a Bachelors degree in Management, I would like to make use of my knowledge and skills at an international level and represent Indian Business Internationally

Most memorable moment in BMS-

Surprise tests In BMS have always been a memorable moment in BMS. It actually tests your grasping ability.

Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –

We had to perform a skit based on our Hindu Religion for our subject i.e. Indian Management Thoughts and Practices, where I was playing the role of a narrator. Speaking “shudh hindi” (Sanskrit) was really difficult and When I saw my video I realized there were so many errors in pronunciation for which I am still being teased by my batch mates

Define BMS in 1 line –



1)      Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

Since I had opted for Marketing in my 5th semester, I thought of moving a step closer to this subject and learn it in depth. Also as far as the Indian economy is considered India is called the Retail Hub. Learning retail management gave me a greater insight into the retail sector.


2)      Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you?

Yes, I had referred to before my final board exams. The section which posted important questions for every subject helped me a lot.


3)      How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

To be a topper was never my goal but it always feels good to be appreciated and awarded for your honest work. There are no secrets or mantra but I can say one thing, I neither get bewilder nor have comatose attitude when it comes to study. Hence my success is not fortuitous. I love what I do and when u love something u don’t need enthusiasm for it. I have proclivity to study but I do get boredom sometimes but a little entertainment such as music, tv or chatting with close friends in modicum helps a lot. I get my ducks in a row from the start of the each semester and maintain consistency.


4) Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

There are quite a few people to whom I can give credit for my success such as faculties from Sathaye College. Being a new student they supported me in every little aspect but my Mother is the vital person who supports me and makes my life very easier in all aspects and I personally feel which is very important for a student to have a peaceful and enjoyable place to study.  There is also another very special person Mr.Sanket Nagre who is my best friend and my motivator to whom I am thankful for supporting me with his positive vibes.


5) What is your message to the aspirants?

Just follow the instructions of the faculties, understand the subjects and the desired results will follow automatically. BMS was a great learning experience for me. So if you are planning to pursue BMS then go ahead as not only you will learn useful subjects but you will develop your presentation and communication skills too.


6) What was your study plan?

My main aim was to understand the subject thoroughly and clear my concepts.  Topping the Exam or being the best was the least on my mind, but yes I was very confident about getting good grades as I was very satisfied with my preparations. I started preparing for exams way before as I knew that I would be occupied with loads of projects and presentations so as to cover up majority of the syllabus as early as possible. This gave me sufficient time to understand the subjects as well as give my best in projects and presentations. I do not have any fixed time table or schedule for my studies as I study as per my convenience, I make sure that I study enough till it reaches my satisfaction level.


7) Marks of every subject:

Operations research – 80

International Finance – 93

Indian management thoughts and practices – 86

International Marketing – 87

Entrepreneurship and SME – 77

Retail Marketing- 79


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