Adaptive Cultures


1.   The hallmark of adaptive corporate cultures is willingness on the part of organizational members to accept change and take on the challenge of introducing and executing new strategies.

CORE CONCEPT: In adaptive cultures, there is a spirit of doing what is necessary to ensure long-term organizational success provided the new behaviors and operating practices that management is calling for are seen as legitimate and consistent with the core values and business principles underpinning the culture.

2.   In direct contrast to change-resistant cultures, adaptive cultures are very supportive of managers and employees at all ranks who propose or help initiate useful change.

3.   What sustains an adaptive culture is that organization members perceive the changes that management is trying to institute as legitimate and in keeping with the core values and business principles that form the heart and soul of the culture.

4.   For an adaptive culture to remain intact over time, top management must orchestrate the responses in a manner that demonstrates genuine care for the well-being of all key constituencies and tries to satisfy all their legitimate interests simultaneously.

5.   In fast-changing business environments, a corporate culture that is receptive to altering organizational practices and behaviors is a virtual necessity.

6.   As a company’s strategy evolves, an adaptive culture is a definite ally in the strategy-implementing, strategy-executing process as compared to cultures that have to be coaxed and cajoled to change.

CORE CONCEPT: A good case can be made that a strongly planted, adaptive culture is the best of all corporate cultures.


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