Cross-Country Differences In Cultural, Demographic, and Market Conditions


1.   Regardless of a company’s motivation for expanding outside its domestic markets, the strategies it uses to compete in foreign markets must be situation driven.

2.   Cultural, demographic, and market conditions vary significantly among the countries of the world. Cultures and lifestyles are the most obvious areas in which countries differ; market demographics are close behind.

3.   Market growth varies from country to country. In emerging markets, market growth potential is far higher than in the more mature economies.

4.   One of the biggest concerns of companies competing in foreign markets is whether to customize their offerings in each different country market to match the tastes and preferences of local buyers or whether to offer a mostly standardized product worldwide.

5.   Aside from basic cultural and market differences among countries, a company also has to pay special attention to location advantages that stem from country-to-country variations in manufacturing and distribution costs, the risks of fluctuating exchange rates, and the economic and political demands of host governments.

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