IIM-CAT Exam Pattern 2013


There will be two separately timed sections in the test.

The sections are:

  1. Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
  2. Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.

There will be 30 questions in each section. Each of the sections will be 1 hour and 10 minutes (i.e. 70 minutes). Including a 15-minute tutorial before the start of the test which candidates are advised to go through, the total duration of the test will be 2 hours and 35 minutes. Once the time ends for the first section, they will move to the second section and will no longer be able to go back.

CAT Marking Scheme:-

CAT follows negative marking scheme. Each correct answer carries 1 mark and incorrect deducts 1/3 mark. The candidate will be shortlisted for Interview on the basis of Marks in Exam. The final selection would be on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination, Interview or Group Discussion and strictly in the order of Merit.

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