1) The communicator first of all, formulates a clear idea about facts, opinions or information he wants to convey.
2) The idea then translated by him into words (spoken or written), symbols or some other form of message which he expects the receiver to understand. This process is known as encoding of the message.
3) The communicator selects a suitable media for transmission of the message e.g., telephone telegraph or television. The message is conveyed with the help of the media selected.
4) The message is then received by the communicatee. He tries to understand it by decoding the message.
5) The communicate acts upon the message as he has understood it.
6) Finally, the effectiveness of communication is measured through feedback. If the communication brings ill the desired changes in the actions or behaviour of the receiver, it is said to be successful communication. In case, there is no change in the actions or behaviour, there is no communication, and if it leads to undesirable changes it is a case of miscommunication.