What are the difficulties involved in delegation of authority?


There may be certain defects in organisational structure which hamper proper delegation of authority. Some of the difficulties involved in delegation are as such:


  1. Over Confidence of Superior: The feeling in a superior that only he can do certain work effectively than others is the main difficulty in delegation. When a manager is of the opinion that his subordinates will not be able to make proper decisions then he will concentrate all powers with him and will not like to delegate his authority.
  2. Lack of Confidence in Subordinates: The superior may be of the view that subordinates are not competent to carry out certain things of their own. He may lack confidence in his subordinates. Under these circumstances superior will hesitate to delegate authority.
  3. Lack of Ability in Superior: A superior may lack the ability to delegate authority to subordinates. The manager may not be able to identify the areas where delegation is required. Lack of Proper Controls: There may not be proper controls in the organisation which help the manager to keep in touch with performance of subordinates.
  4. Lack of Proper Temperament of Superior: The chief executive may be over-cautious or conservative by nature. An element of risk cannot altogether be ruled out but certain risk will have to be taken.
  5. Inability of Subordinates: The fear of committing mistakes or lack of confidence on the part of subordinates may also act as a barrier in delegation of authority.

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