Advantages of committee form of organisation


Advantages of committee form of organisation


The committee form of organisation has the following has the following advantage:


  1. Pooling of opinions: the members of committees come from different background and areas or expertise and have different view points and values. When persons with varied abilities sit together and discuss a problem, various aspects of the case are highlighted and pros and cons are assessed. The pooled opinion will help in taking a realistic view of the problems.
  2. Better co-ordination: Committee form of organisation brings more co-ordination among different segments of the organisation when representatives of different departments sit together, they understand and appreciate the difficulties faced by others. This type of frank discussions help on fixing the targets of different departments and better co-ordination is achieved through this type of decision making.
  3. Balancing of Views: this type of organisation helps in balancing the views expressed by different persons. There is a tendency to over emphasise the aspects of one’s own departme!1t by ignoring the inter dependent character of problems of different departments. A committee helps to bring out an agreed view of the problems by taking into account divergent views expresses in such meetings.
  4. Motivation: The committees consist of managers as well as subordinates. The views of subordinates are given recognition and importance. It gives them encouragement and makes them feel as an integral part of decision making process. Such committees boost the morale of subordinates and motivate them to improve their performance.
  5. Dispersion of power: The concentration of power in few persons may lead to misuse of authority and wrong decisions. By spreading powers among committee members this problem can be solved.

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