Advantages of Line Organisation


Line organisation has certain advantages. They are:


  1. This system is simple to establish and operate.
  2. Under this system, responsibility and authority are clearly defined. Every member of the organisation knows his exact position, to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. Because of the clear fixation of responsibility, no person can escape from his liability.
  3. There is unity of command and control under this system. That is, a subordinate receives orders from only one superior and is responsible only to one superior.
  4. The unified authority and control implicit in this system ensures better discipline among the employees.
  5. The unification of authority and responsibility present in this system facilitates quick and prompt decisions.
  6. As all the activities relating to one department or division are managed by one executive, there can be effective co-ordination of activities.
  7. Under this system, communication is easy and quick.
  8. This system is flexible or elastic, in -the sense that, as each executive has sole responsibility in his own position and sphere of work, he can easily adjust the organisation to changing conditions.
  9. This system is less expensive, as there are no staff specialist to advise the line authorities

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